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Showing posts from July, 2010

ENFP + ENTJ relationships, compatibility, dating

Even though these two personality types have lots of differences, the ENTJ – ENFP match is in theory close to ideal . In this article I will try to explain why. ENTJs often have trouble connecting with people on an emotional level because they are not naturally in tune with other people’s feelings. They are too independent to get tied up into anyone’s emotional games. There aren’t many people ENTJs will completely open up to but ENFPs are one of the types that have the best chance of bringing the ENTJ out of its emotional shell. How do they do it? Many ENFPs believe they can do anything they set their mind to but for the purpose of this article let’s try to view it through MBTI theory and cognitive processes. This part might be a little boring or complicated but bare with me. ENTJs and ENFPs are both intuitive personalities and share the same judging functions: extroverted thinking (Te) and introverted feeling (Fi) - (ENTJ: Te Ni Se Fi , ENFP: Ne Fi Te Si). Even though th

INTP + ENTJ relationships, compatibility

Seeing as they are both NTs (rationals) these two personality types have a lot in common. They both highly value knowledge and aptitude, both are inclined to ignore emotions in favor of logical arguments and both have high standards for almost everything. However, these two types express themselves in significantly different ways. ENTJs have dominant extroverted thinking while INTPs have dominant introverted thinking. This makes ENTJs oriented towards the outer world of possibilities, goals and challenges and the INTP oriented towards reflection, thinking, theorizing and pondering in their inner world. All the other cognitive functions are also inverted (i.e. introverted intuition for ENTJ and extroverted intuition for INTP). This is not very helpful in a relationship but it can be overcome with effort. An encouraging fact is that right from the beginning these two types will understand each other and will be open for cooperation, but the hard part will be opening up intimately to

ENTJ Under Stress

The ENTJ's need for external stimulation, thrill and danger is what makes this type probably one of the most stress-resistant personality types, but like every other human being they are not immune to it. When under stress ENTJs may exhibit these behaviors: - Jumping to conclusions - Losing patience - Ignoring their emotional needs and feelings of others - Finding it hard to listen to others because they’re always in a rush - Avoiding small talk because they find it frivolous and nonproductive - When they’re losing control they feel the need for closure and completion - They may resort to completing simple, meaningless, repetitive tasks (i.e. cleaning, counting, inspecting) to relieve stress - May begin to strongly doubt themselves - Avoid their ability ever being tested out of fear of failure - Become critical of opinions and attitudes which don't match their own - If under extreme stress they may explode with terrible tempers - May withdraw, feel hurt, trapped

ESFJ + ENTJ compatibility - relationships, dating

Unfortunately this match in most cases is not a very good one. While it is true that any two well rounded individuals can enjoy a healthy relationship, these two personality types are not naturally wired to understand each other. They are in most cases interested in very different things and react to the world in completely different ways. Why this relationship isn’t the most ideal... Let’s start with the cognitive functions. ENTJs have Te-Ni-Se-Fi (extroverted thinking, introverted intuition, extroverted sensing and introverted feeling) while ESFJs have Fe-Si-Ne-Ti. As you might have noticed, their functional order is completely different. Where the ENTJ has thinking, the ESFJ has feeling, where the ENTJ has intuition, the ESFJ has sensing and so on. The orientation of their functions is also opposite. ESFJs have extroverted feeling (Fe) and ENTJs have introverted feeling (Fi) and so on for the rest of the functions. These two types can get along fine but they are predispo

INFJ + ENTJ compatibility, relationships, dating

Even though it’s not an absolutely ideal matchup, the ENTJ – INFJ mix has a lot of potential. INFJ personality types are usually a bit more rational and logical than other feeling types (especially SF types) and that is a quality ENTJs are sure to admire. However, INFJs are also quite sensitive to criticism and conflict, which the ENTJ sees as a normal part of life, so obviously some adjustments will have to be made in order for this relationship to work. As friends... ENTJ – INFJ friendships usually function well. INFJs generally admire the ENTJs straightforwardness, intelligence and responsibility. In the relationship the INFJ takes on a role of an advisor for the ENTJ, providing thoughtful counsel when it’s needed. One possible stumbling block though is that ENTJs will not always be open to being influenced by the INFJ because they generally try to minimize the effect of emotions on their decision making process. Nonetheless, if the ENTJ learns to bite the tongue and avoid unn

INTJ + ENTJ relationships, compatibility, dating

As friends, coworkers or even lovers ENTJs and INTJs generally get along very well. Not only that, but this type of MBTI match is one of the most ideal. Why is this match one of the most ideal? When it comes to compatibility of MBTI types, there are lots of contradictory theories out there and each of them claims to have found the right formula. Some personality theorists say that opposites attract, some say similarities attract, others have a totally different approach. However, the most common view is that couples are more likely to have similar preferences than opposite preferences. Those couples are also less likely to have problems in the relationship. This assertion is made in many published references (Carlson & Williams, 1984; Myers & McCaulley, 1985; Myers & Myers 1980; Sherman, 1981). The most important similarity is the N/S dichotomy. N types generally understand each other better than they understand S types, and vice versa. This is also how David

ENTJ & Love, Relationships

"To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as the positive - to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to joy, fulfillment, and an intensity of consciousness we did not know was possible before." Romance can sometimes be a big problem for the tough, skeptical ENTJ personality because ENTJs are not naturally in tune with other people's feelings. They are much more interested in intellectual pursuits and power. In the earlier stages of life, as adolescents, ENTJs can withdraw easily from romantic situations if they get hurt. They practice complete control of their emotions and impulses from a very early age and can block out romantic pursuits and even family if they are continuously hurt in relationships. They will not show that they're hurt, but will dramatically change their approach to people in that regard. Later in life, the same ENTJ can realize that some people are worth every effort. What ENTJs look for in a mate... ENTJs generally l