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ENTJ Description - Traits

If I had to describe the ENTJ personality type in one word it would be either "pioneer" or "mobilizer". ENTJs are by nature driven to stir things up and to make ideas happen.

As kids or young adults they often end up in charge of little groups without even trying to because of their creativity, forcefulness and great ability to verbalize their ideas to others. As they mature, ENTJs become more serious and power (or influence) hungry. They usually wield that power with ease. They don't believe in the old "power corrupts" saying. Rather they believe that "power reveals the real you".

A common misconception that should be mentioned is that people who are not experienced in MBTI tend to think that an ENTJ has to be a leader. This is not true. ENTJs can end up in many different careers and life paths and they don't need to lead anyone to be happy.

entj description
The ENTJ stereotype

Below is a list of adjectives that describe the ENTJ personality type:

ENTJ strengths (the good side):


- skeptical, critical thinkers (Some types might not like this ENTJ trait but it is a quality that only a few people possess)
- scientific and knowledge oriented (ENTJs are rational people and they use common sense to deal with almost anything. They also encourage knowledge and self-improvement in all areas of life)
- ambitious and achieving (ENTJs have many dreams and ambitions and paired with their need to finish things they start it usually gets them to where they want)
- planner, tries to prepare for everything (They believe that luck is on the side of the prepared and always have a few backup plans in their head if things go wrong)
- cool headed (Able to endure lots of stressful situations and stay calm in a crysis)
- usually don't have many fears because they rationalize everything (They are also thrill seeking, and take calculated risks which might seem like living on the edge while ENTJs believe they're in control)
- organized, scheduled and orderly (like most judging personalities they try to have a structured, organized approach to life)

ENTJ weaknesses (the bad side):

- can be self centered, arrogant or even narcissistic (ENTJs are smart and they want everyone to know it. They like themselves, sometimes too much)
- can have trouble expressing affection as they feel duty to every word they say
- can be opinionated or stubborn (might believe they're always right)
- may set the bar too high (have unrealistic dreams and goals)
- sometimes make decisions too fast
- very critical about incompetency and inefficiency (especially in the work place)
- don't give compliments easily

Tips for improvement:


- work on developing empathy and genuine compassion
- nourish and treasure your intuition
- take time to listen to everybody
- nourish your relationships and don't place the career above friendship, family or love
- give compliments when deserved

Interesting statistics about ENTJs:


- Among top 4 types in college GPA.
- In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Working out/exercising."
- Academic subjects preferred: English, science.
- In national sample, highest of all types in liking work environments with "Variety of tasks," "People from a variety of backgrounds," and "International opportunities"
- Lowest of all types in liking work environments with "No expectation of extra hours" and "Toeing the line."
- Include "Independence and achievement" and "Clear structure" among top 3 desirable characteristics.
-Greatest work environment satisfiers are opportunities to use talents and contribute to society, job security, opportunities for learning and for accomplishment.
- In national sample, 1 of 2 types most satisfied with their work, where they work, and future work opportunities, unlikely to leave job, and among those with the highest income.
- With ESTJs, had the 2nd highest mean level of coping resources.
- Ranked 1st of all 16 types in using physical coping resources.
- In national sample, highest in coping with stress by "Trying to think of options."
- In national sample, ranked 2nd highest in "No" and 4th highest in "Not sure" re: "Belief in higher spiritual power."

    See also:
    ENTJ Careers
    ENTJ Relationships - Love
    About ENTJ women
    Depressed ENTJ
    How ENTJs Act Under Stress

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